Thursday, September 6, 2007

Pledge of Allegiance ?????

I guess Allie was learning the Pledge of Allegiance at pre-school yesterday. She seems to have gotten it confused with a memory verse. She came home and said. "I can say my memory verse". Then she said. " The Lord is America, Invisible, Re-Publix, for evil, Galatians 39:40. " So I said the pledge and she was very impressed that I knew it. I guess she still has a lot of work to do.


Mandy said...


Courtney said...

Ha! That is so funny. That is a lot of memorization for a preschooler...

Sandra said...

That is so sweet. My 3 year old grandson has learned the pledge at day care. He was saying "with liberty and justice for aug." After much questioning, Karen realized he was also learning that it was August. Don't know what he is saying now that September is here.

Allie is a doll.

Lana said...

Too cute!