Thursday, August 23, 2007

Spaghetti and Applesauce

You know how some kids don't like to get their hands messy. Well, I do not have a child like that. I guess this is why our kitchen is always such a mess!

Avery trying to eat with a spoon.

A spoon just was not working, so she tried eating applesauce with her hands!

That didn't work either.


Heather said...

Too cute! I feel your pain!! HA!! Cleaning up after meals is such a chore! I have a friend who has one of those vacuum cleaners that vacuums by itself. After meals she just puts it under the kitchen table & it does the work for her. That's what we need, huh?? HMMMM....Chris gets a new tv, Melanie gets an automatic vacuum cleaner!! ;)

Heather said...
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Mandy said...

I'm not looking forward to having another child that feeds herself! But it looks like Avery really loves her applesauce!