Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Sleeping Kids

I don't know exactly what it is that I love about sleeping children. We have a lot of pictures of them asleep. I guess one day they will think it strange that I took so many pictures of them when they were asleep, but they are some of my favorites. Maybe it is that they always look so peaceful or maybe that no matter how difficult they have been that day you can't help but want to give them a little kiss when you see them sleeping. I took these pictures this week of the girls when they were sleeping.

Allie with her dog. The belt around it's neck is his leash. Allie usually plays for a while before falling asleep so you never know what or how much you will find in the bed with her when she falls asleep. Sometimes I wonder how she can sleep with so much stuff in her bed.

This is how Avery fell asleep at nap time.

1 comment:

Heather said...

So sweet! I know what you mean, I actually video taped Hayden sleeping yesterday cuz my camera battery was dead!